Text by Jeanne Tan
Photo by Ilco Kemmere
Product designer Floris Hovers lives and works in Raamsdonkveer. His new designs for New Duivendrecht, Magis and Vij5 will be launched in Milan.
Tell us something about yourself…
In general, I hate being an adult (laughs).
How would you describe yourself in one word?
Unobtrusive or sober.
What is your strongest quality?
I’m good at improvising with little, and I’m constantly reviewing my work to make sure that everything is completely understandable – this often leads to pure, clear insights and products.
And your weak point?
I can be impatient and want to see an end result too soon. I have to be strict and hold myself back!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would like to be more daring.
(How) Does your personality translate into your work?
I create clear and sober work with a somewhat naïve, playful approach that doesn’t scream out for attention.
Any secret talents you’d like to share with us?
I am musical – I sing and play violin and piano. I also collect toys.
Have you always been a designer?
Yes, and I’ve worked at Piet Hein Eek as a both a designer and a gardener.

Floris Hovers
If you weren’t a designer…
I would like to be a composer, a job that combines being a musician and a designer. Or, when it’s possible, a married priest…
What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My wife and four children (laughs).
Where can we find you when you’re not at work?
I’m mostly ‘designing’ seven days a week, but there are three other places I’m very happy to be: at home, in my workshop, or at the parish centre in my village where I lead a weekly children’s choir.
What makes you keep designing?
As a child I was so happy when I could just draw, do crafts or build things. In short, design for me is about playing in the big world, re-enacting the world in your way. I do not like to shock people by doing extreme things – if you want that, just watch the news. If I can elicit a smile from people, that makes me a very happy designer…
This interview was published in Connecting the Dots #9 for the Milan Design Week 2014. For entire magazine click here.